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Nimble Leadership is a framework for people to better understand how they lead and how they can improve interactions with those that they are leading. A quadrant map allows people to understand their own leadership style as well as the styles of others. Nimble Leadership applies over 100 years of legacy research. There are three theories that were incorporated into the model that help understand the background:

  • MCGREGOR THEORY X AND Y: Developed by Douglas McGregor in the 20th century to understand personal motivation. Theory X proposed that workers require frequent direct supervision, centralized information and external rewards to achieve goals. Theory Y proposed the opposite, that workers thrive with autonomy and open feedback loops.

  • BLAKE AND MOUTON MANAGERIAL GRID: The Managerial Grid created by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton builds from McGregor’s work and seeks to identify optimal work conditions based on concern for people and concern for production or goals.

  • HERSEY AND BLANCHARD SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP: This is where cultural context begins to gain more emphasis. This theory shows an important development in that leaders have the interest and ability to shift, as well as delegate or share responsibility with direct reports that show maturity and have been developed appropriately.

These theories all connect back to human motivation, influence, creativity, and performance. The glue for all of this is, of course, trust. As we continue to utilize and develop our leadership approaches into the 21st century, our ability to know ourselves and know others can be our greatest asset. Being a Nimble leader, team, and organization leads to improved collaboration, output, and results.